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A clear approach to rehab, recovery and return to activity.

At Rise Meta we maximise what you can do, set goals and develop a strategy to achieve them.


education, training
& autonomy

Our focus is on getting you moving as soon as possible, as much as possible; enable you to learn about your injury/ issue; and give you the tools to get stronger and attain your goals.

It's a collaborative effort - team work! 

We act as both a coach and guide to get you doing the things you want to do.

The approach is simple and collaborative; designed to focus on the things that matter.


Physiotherapy is about equipping you with tools and guidance throughout your rehab and giving you a clear understanding of your options and next steps.


We look at your daily activities and the factors we need to modify. We also set you up with a program to achieve each step of the recovery process. 



Recovery doesn't have to be complicated. With so much misinformation out there, we want to make rehab simple and evidence based. 


You. You will learn to become an active part in your rehab, and gain control over your pain, your training, and your goals.

I align with this approach.

I would love to book a session to start feeling empowered to move!

If you're wondering whether you have come to the right place, here are some examples of conditions physiotherapy treats

I align with this approach.

I would love to book a session to start feeling empowered to move!

Woman Sprinting

Select a location

Partnered with two clinics, in Leichhardt and Petersham, you can select a location that suits you.

Human Movement Co

56 Norton Street

Leichhardt, 2040

Strength in Movement

73 New Canterbury Rd

Petersham, 2049


Online Rehab Programming

If you're looking for a comprehensive program to

  • rehab a new or old injury

  • improve your training 

  • have a seamless exercise programming experience 

  • maximise your energy to complement your training

then you can send an inquiry below and you will get a quick call*, no strings attached. 

*If you are inquiring from outside Australia you will receive an email (check your spam folder). 


Comprehensive Rehab/ Exercise Plan (12 weeks) - $170

  • 12 week detailed program with exercise description / videos

  • tailored to your goals with goal setting session

  • weekly variation of RPE and sets as needed 

  • complementing main hobby or training 

  • considers frequency and time ideal for your goals 

  • all injuries included / considered 

paired with a 4-week subscription - $25 / week 

  • unlimited email support 

  • unlimited changes to program as needed 

  • 10 min worth of video analysis

  • ensuring that the program is executed correctly and adjustments are made to ensure you reap the most benefits 


Optional continuation of the subscription thereafter.

Program and Booking Inquiries

Thank you, your inquiry has been submitted!

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